Source code for django_docker_helpers.config.backends.yaml_parser

import typing as t

from django_docker_helpers.config.backends.base import BaseParser
from django_docker_helpers.utils import dotkey

[docs]class YamlParser(BaseParser): """ Provides a simple interface to read config options from Yaml. Example: :: p = YamlParser('./tests/data/config.yml', scope='development') assert p.get('up.down.above') == [1, 2, 3] """ def __init__(self, config: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.TextIO]] = None, path_separator: str = '.', scope: t.Optional[str] = None): """ :param config: a path to config file, or `TextIO` object :param path_separator: specifies which character separates nested variables, default is ``'.'`` :param scope: a global namespace-like variable prefix :raises ValueError: if no config specified """ super().__init__(scope=scope, config=config, path_separator=path_separator) self._data = None if not config: raise ValueError('Config should not be empty')
[docs] def __str__(self): return '<{0} config="{1}" scope={2}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.config if isinstance(self.config, str) else 'TextIO', self.scope, )
@property def data(self): if self._data is not None: return self._data from yaml import load, SafeLoader if isinstance(self.config, str): config = open(self.config) else: config = self.config self._data = load(config, Loader=SafeLoader) return self._data
[docs] def get_client(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get(self, variable_path: str, default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, coerce_type: t.Optional[t.Type] = None, coercer: t.Optional[t.Callable] = None, **kwargs): if self.scope: variable_path = '{0.scope}{0.path_separator}{1}'.format(self, variable_path) val = dotkey(, variable_path, default=self.sentinel, separator=self.path_separator) if val is self.sentinel: return default return self.coerce(val, coerce_type=coerce_type, coercer=coercer)