Source code for django_docker_helpers.config

import inspect
import logging
import os
import textwrap
import typing as t
from collections import deque, namedtuple
from pprint import pformat

from django_docker_helpers.utils import import_from, shred, wf, run_env_once
from . import exceptions
from .backends import *

DEFAULT_PARSER_MODULE_PATH = 'django_docker_helpers.config.backends'


def comma_str_to_list(raw_val: str) -> t.List[str]:
    return list(filter(None, raw_val.split(',')))

ConfigReadItem = namedtuple('ConfigReadItem', ['variable_path', 'value', 'type', 'is_default', 'parser_name'])

[docs]class ConfigLoader: """ - provides a single interface to read from specified config parsers in order they present; - tracks accessed from parsers options; - prints config options access log in pretty-print way. Example: :: env = { 'PROJECT__DEBUG': 'false' } parsers = [ EnvironmentParser(scope='project', env=env), RedisParser('my/conf/service/config.yml', host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT), YamlParser(config='./tests/data/config.yml', scope='project'), ] configure = ConfigLoader(parsers=parsers) DEBUG = configure('debug') # 'false' DEBUG = configure('debug', coerce_type=bool) # False """ def __init__(self, parsers: t.List[BaseParser], silent: bool = False, suppress_logs: bool = False, keep_read_records_max: int = 1024): """ Initialization: - takes a list of initialized parsers; - it's supposed to use ONLY unique parsers for ``parsers`` argument (or you are going to get the same initial arguments for all parsers of the same type in :meth:`~django_docker_helpers.config.ConfigLoader.from_env`); - the parsers's order does matter. :param parsers: a list of initialized parsers :param silent: don't raise exceptions if any read attempt failed :param suppress_logs: don't display any exception warnings on screen :param keep_read_records_max: max capacity queue length """ self.parsers = parsers self.silent = silent self.suppress_logs = suppress_logs self.sentinel = object() self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.config_read_queue = deque(maxlen=keep_read_records_max) self.colors_map = { 'title': '\033[1;35m', 'parser': '\033[0;33m', 'path': '\033[94m', 'type': '\033[1;33m', 'value': '\033[32m', 'reset': '\033[0m', } def enqueue(self, variable_path: str, parser: t.Optional[BaseParser] = None, value: t.Any = None): self.config_read_queue.append(ConfigReadItem( variable_path, shred(variable_path, value), type(value).__name__, not bool(parser), str(parser), ))
[docs] def __call__(self, variable_path: str, default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, coerce_type: t.Optional[t.Type] = None, coercer: t.Optional[t.Callable] = None, required: bool = False, **kwargs): """ A useful shortcut for method :meth:`~django_docker_helpers.config.ConfigLoader.get` """ return self.get( variable_path, default=default, coerce_type=coerce_type, coercer=coercer, required=required, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, variable_path: str, default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, coerce_type: t.Optional[t.Type] = None, coercer: t.Optional[t.Callable] = None, required: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Tries to read a ``variable_path`` from each of the passed parsers. It stops if read was successful and returns a retrieved value. If none of the parsers contain a value for the specified path it returns ``default``. :param variable_path: a path to variable in config :param default: a default value if ``variable_path`` is not present anywhere :param coerce_type: cast a result to a specified type :param coercer: perform the type casting with specified callback :param required: raise ``RequiredValueIsEmpty`` if no ``default`` and no result :param kwargs: additional options to all parsers :return: **the first successfully read** value from the list of parser instances or ``default`` :raises config.exceptions.RequiredValueIsEmpty: if nothing is read,``required`` flag is set, and there's no ``default`` specified """ for p in self.parsers: try: val = p.get( variable_path, default=self.sentinel, coerce_type=coerce_type, coercer=coercer, **kwargs ) if val != self.sentinel: self.enqueue(variable_path, p, val) return val except Exception as e: if not self.silent: raise if self.suppress_logs: continue self.logger.error('Parser {0} cannot get key `{1}`: {2}'.format( p.__class__.__name__, variable_path, str(e) )) self.enqueue(variable_path, value=default) if not default and required: raise exceptions.RequiredValueIsEmpty( 'No default provided and no value read for `{0}`'.format(variable_path)) return default
[docs] @staticmethod def import_parsers(parser_modules: t.Iterable[str]) -> t.Generator[t.Type[BaseParser], None, None]: """ Resolves and imports all modules specified in ``parser_modules``. Short names from the local scope are supported (the scope is ``django_docker_helpers.config.backends``). :param parser_modules: a list of dot-separated module paths :return: a generator of [probably] :class:`~django_docker_helpers.config.backends.base.BaseParser` Example: :: parsers = list(ConfigLoader.import_parsers([ 'EnvironmentParser', 'django_docker_helpers.config.backends.YamlParser' ])) assert parsers == [EnvironmentParser, YamlParser] """ for import_path in parser_modules: path_parts = import_path.rsplit('.', 1) if len(path_parts) == 2: mod_path, parser_class_name = path_parts else: mod_path = DEFAULT_PARSER_MODULE_PATH parser_class_name = import_path yield import_from(mod_path, parser_class_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_parser_options_from_env( parser_class: t.Type[BaseParser], env: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: """ Extracts arguments from ``parser_class.__init__`` and populates them from environment variables. Uses ``__init__`` argument type annotations for correct type casting. .. note:: Environment variables should be prefixed with ``<UPPERCASEPARSERCLASSNAME>__``. :param parser_class: a subclass of :class:`~django_docker_helpers.config.backends.base.BaseParser` :param env: a dict with environment variables, default is ``os.environ`` :return: parser's ``__init__`` arguments dict mapping Example: :: env = { 'REDISPARSER__ENDPOINT': 'go.deep', 'REDISPARSER__HOST': 'my-host', 'REDISPARSER__PORT': '66', } res = ConfigLoader.load_parser_options_from_env(RedisParser, env) assert res == {'endpoint': 'go.deep', 'host': 'my-host', 'port': 66} """ env = env or os.environ sentinel = object() spec: inspect.FullArgSpec = inspect.getfullargspec(parser_class.__init__) environment_parser = EnvironmentParser(scope=parser_class.__name__.upper(), env=env) stop_args = ['self'] safe_types = [int, bool, str] init_args = {} for arg_name in spec.args: if arg_name in stop_args: continue type_hint = spec.annotations.get(arg_name) coerce_type = None if type_hint in safe_types: coerce_type = type_hint elif hasattr(type_hint, '__args__'): if len(type_hint.__args__) == 1: # one type if type_hint.__args__[0] in safe_types: coerce_type = type_hint.__args__[0] elif len(type_hint.__args__) == 2: # t.Optional try: _args = list(type_hint.__args__) _args.remove(type(None)) if _args[0] in safe_types: coerce_type = _args[0] except ValueError: pass val = environment_parser.get(arg_name, sentinel, coerce_type=coerce_type) if val is sentinel: continue init_args[arg_name] = val return init_args
[docs] @staticmethod def from_env(parser_modules: t.Optional[t.Union[t.List[str], t.Tuple[str]]] = DEFAULT_PARSER_MODULES, env: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None, silent: bool = False, suppress_logs: bool = False, extra: t.Optional[dict] = None) -> 'ConfigLoader': """ Creates an instance of :class:`~django_docker_helpers.config.ConfigLoader` with parsers initialized from environment variables. By default it tries to initialize all bundled parsers. Parsers may be customized with ``parser_modules`` argument or ``CONFIG__PARSERS`` environment variable. Environment variable has a priority over the method argument. :param parser_modules: a list of dot-separated module paths :param env: a dict with environment variables, default is ``os.environ`` :param silent: passed to :class:`~django_docker_helpers.config.ConfigLoader` :param suppress_logs: passed to :class:`~django_docker_helpers.config.ConfigLoader` :param extra: pass extra arguments to *every* parser :return: an instance of :class:`~django_docker_helpers.config.ConfigLoader` Example: :: env = { 'CONFIG__PARSERS': 'EnvironmentParser,RedisParser,YamlParser', 'ENVIRONMENTPARSER__SCOPE': 'nested', 'YAMLPARSER__CONFIG': './tests/data/config.yml', 'REDISPARSER__HOST': 'wtf.test', 'NESTED__VARIABLE': 'i_am_here', } loader = ConfigLoader.from_env(env=env) assert [type(p) for p in loader.parsers] == [EnvironmentParser, RedisParser, YamlParser] assert loader.get('variable') == 'i_am_here', 'Ensure env copied from ConfigLoader' loader = ConfigLoader.from_env(parser_modules=['EnvironmentParser'], env={}) """ env = env or os.environ extra = extra or {} environment_parser = EnvironmentParser(scope='config', env=env) silent = environment_parser.get('silent', silent, coerce_type=bool) suppress_logs = environment_parser.get('suppress_logs', suppress_logs, coerce_type=bool) env_parsers = environment_parser.get('parsers', None, coercer=comma_str_to_list) if not env_parsers and not parser_modules: raise ValueError('Must specify `CONFIG__PARSERS` env var or `parser_modules`') if env_parsers: parser_classes = ConfigLoader.import_parsers(env_parsers) else: parser_classes = ConfigLoader.import_parsers(parser_modules) parsers = [] for parser_class in parser_classes: parser_options = ConfigLoader.load_parser_options_from_env(parser_class, env=env) _init_args = inspect.getfullargspec(parser_class.__init__).args # add extra args if parser's __init__ can take it it if 'env' in _init_args: parser_options['env'] = env for k, v in extra.items(): if k in _init_args: parser_options[k] = v parser_instance = parser_class(**parser_options) parsers.append(parser_instance) return ConfigLoader(parsers=parsers, silent=silent, suppress_logs=suppress_logs)
def _colorize(self, name: str, value: str, use_color: bool = False) -> str: if not use_color: return value color = self.colors_map.get(name, '') if not color: return value reset = self.colors_map['reset'] parts = [color + p + reset for p in str(value).split('\n')] return '\n'.join(parts) @staticmethod def _pformat(raw_obj: t.Union[str, t.Any], width: int = 50) -> str: raw_str = str(raw_obj) if len(raw_str) <= width: return raw_obj if isinstance(raw_obj, str): return '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(raw_str, width=width)) return pformat(raw_obj, width=width, compact=True)
[docs] @run_env_once def print_config_read_queue( self, use_color: bool = False, max_col_width: int = 50): """ Prints all read (in call order) options. :param max_col_width: limit column width, ``50`` by default :param use_color: use terminal colors :return: nothing """ wf(self.format_config_read_queue(use_color=use_color, max_col_width=max_col_width)) wf('\n')
[docs] def format_config_read_queue(self, use_color: bool = False, max_col_width: int = 50) -> str: """ Prepares a string with pretty printed config read queue. :param use_color: use terminal colors :param max_col_width: limit column width, ``50`` by default :return: """ try: from terminaltables import SingleTable except ImportError: import warnings warnings.warn('Cannot display config read queue. Install terminaltables first.') return '' col_names_order = ['path', 'value', 'type', 'parser'] pretty_bundles = [[self._colorize(name, name.capitalize(), use_color=use_color) for name in col_names_order]] for config_read_item in self.config_read_queue: pretty_attrs = [ config_read_item.variable_path, config_read_item.value, config_read_item.type, config_read_item.parser_name ] pretty_attrs = [self._pformat(pa, max_col_width) for pa in pretty_attrs] if config_read_item.is_default: pretty_attrs[0] = '*' + pretty_attrs[0] if use_color: pretty_attrs = [self._colorize(column_name, pretty_attr, use_color=use_color) for column_name, pretty_attr in zip(col_names_order, pretty_attrs)] pretty_bundles.append(pretty_attrs) table = SingleTable(pretty_bundles) table.title = self._colorize('title', 'CONFIG READ QUEUE', use_color=use_color) table.justify_columns[0] = 'right' # table.inner_row_border = True return str(table.table)