Source code for django_docker_helpers.config.backends.mpt_redis_parser

import typing as t

from django_docker_helpers.config.backends.base import BaseParser
from django_docker_helpers.utils import default_yaml_object_deserialize

[docs]class MPTRedisParser(BaseParser): """ Materialized Path Tree Redis Parser. Compared to, e.g. :class:`~django_docker_helpers.config.backends.redis_parser.RedisParser` it does not load a whole config file from a single key, but reads every config option from a corresponding variable path. Example: :: parser = MPTRedisParser(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT) parser.get('nested.a.b') parser.get('debug') If you want to store your config with separated key paths take :func:`~django_docker_helpers.utils.mp_serialize_dict` helper to materialize your dict. """ def __init__(self, scope: t.Optional[str] = None, host: str = '', port: int = 6379, db: int = 0, path_separator: str = '.', key_prefix: str = '', object_deserialize_prefix: str = '::YAML::\n', object_deserialize: t.Optional[t.Callable] = default_yaml_object_deserialize, **redis_options): """ :param scope: a global namespace-like variable prefix :param host: redis host, default is ``''`` :param port: redis port, default id ``6379`` :param db: redis database, default is ``0`` :param path_separator: specifies which character separates nested variables, default is ``'.'`` :param key_prefix: prefix all keys with specified one :param object_deserialize_prefix: if object has a specified prefix, it's deserialized with ``object_deserialize`` :param object_deserialize: deserializer for complex variables :param redis_options: additional options for ``redis.Redis`` client """ super().__init__(scope=scope, path_separator=path_separator) self.object_serialize_prefix = object_deserialize_prefix.encode() self.object_deserialize = object_deserialize self.key_prefix = key_prefix self.client_options = { 'host': host, 'port': port, 'db': db, } self.client_options.update(**redis_options)
[docs] def __str__(self): return '<{0} {1[host]}:{1[port]} db={1[db]} scope={2}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.client_options, self.scope, )
[docs] def get_client(self): # type: () -> redis.Redis import redis self._client = redis.Redis(**self.client_options) return self._client
[docs] def get(self, variable_path: str, default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, coerce_type: t.Optional[t.Type] = None, coercer: t.Optional[t.Callable] = None, **kwargs): """ :param variable_path: a delimiter-separated path to a nested value :param default: default value if there's no object by specified path :param coerce_type: cast a type of a value to a specified one :param coercer: perform a type casting with specified callback :param kwargs: additional arguments inherited parser may need :return: value or default """ if self.scope: variable_path = '{0.scope}{0.path_separator}{1}'.format(self, variable_path) if self.key_prefix: variable_path = '{0.key_prefix}:{1}'.format(self, variable_path) val = self.client.get(variable_path) if val is None: return default if val.startswith(self.object_serialize_prefix): # since complex data types are yaml-serialized there's no need to coerce anything _val = val[len(self.object_serialize_prefix):] bundle = self.object_deserialize(_val) if bundle == '': # check for reinforced empty flag return self.coerce(bundle, coerce_type=coerce_type, coercer=coercer) return bundle if isinstance(val, bytes): val = val.decode() return self.coerce(val, coerce_type=coerce_type, coercer=coercer)