Source code for django_docker_helpers.config.backends.environment_parser

import os
import typing as t

from django_docker_helpers.config.backends.base import BaseParser
from django_docker_helpers.utils import coerce_str_to_bool

[docs]class EnvironmentParser(BaseParser): """ Provides a simple interface to read config options from environment variables. Example: :: from json import loads as json_load from yaml import load as yaml_load env = { 'MY__VARIABLE': '33', 'MY__NESTED__YAML__LIST__VARIABLE': '[33, 42]', 'MY__NESTED__JSON__DICT__VARIABLE': '{"obj": true}', } parser = EnvironmentParser(env=env) assert p.get('my.variable') == '33' assert p.get('my.nested.yaml.list.variable', coerce_type=list, coercer=yaml_load) == [33, 42] assert p.get('my.nested.json.dict.variable', coerce_type=dict, coercer=json_load) == {'obj': True} parser = EnvironmentParser(env=env, scope='my.nested') assert parser.get('yaml.list.variable', coerce_type=list, coercer=yaml_load) == [33, 42] """ def __init__(self, scope: t.Optional[str] = None, config: t.Optional[str] = None, nested_delimiter: str = '__', path_separator: str = '.', env: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None): """ :param scope: a global namespace-like variable prefix :param config: not used :param nested_delimiter: replace ``path_separator`` with an appropriate environment variable delimiter, default is ``__`` :param path_separator: specifies which character separates nested variables, default is ``'.'`` :param env: a dict with environment variables, default is ``os.environ`` """ env = env or os.environ super().__init__( scope=scope, config=config, path_separator=path_separator, nested_delimiter=nested_delimiter, env=env, ) # config is not used in EnvironmentParser self.config = None self.scope = (scope or '').upper()
[docs] def __str__(self): return '<{0} scope={1}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.scope )
[docs] def get_client(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get(self, variable_path: str, default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, coerce_type: t.Optional[t.Type] = None, coercer: t.Optional[t.Callable] = None, **kwargs): """ Reads a value of ``variable_path`` from environment. If ``coerce_type`` is ``bool`` and no ``coercer`` specified, ``coerces`` forced to be :func:`~django_docker_helpers.utils.coerce_str_to_bool` :param variable_path: a delimiter-separated path to a nested value :param default: default value if there's no object by specified path :param coerce_type: cast a type of a value to a specified one :param coercer: perform a type casting with specified callback :param kwargs: additional arguments inherited parser may need :return: value or default """ var_name = self.get_env_var_name(variable_path) val = self.env.get(var_name, self.sentinel) if val is self.sentinel: return default # coerce to bool with default env coercer if no coercer specified if coerce_type and coerce_type is bool and not coercer: coercer = coerce_str_to_bool return self.coerce(val, coerce_type=coerce_type, coercer=coercer)
def get_env_var_name(self, variable_path: str) -> str: return self.nested_delimiter.join( filter( None, (self.scope or '').split(self.path_separator) + variable_path.upper().split(self.path_separator) ) )