Source code for django_docker_helpers.utils

import collections
import importlib
import os
import sys
import typing as t
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import wraps

from docker_check import checker as docker_checker
from dpath.util import get
from yaml import SafeLoader
from yaml import dump as dump_yaml
from yaml import load as yaml_load

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def default_yaml_object_deserialize(stream, Loader=SafeLoader):
    return yaml_load(stream, Loader=Loader)

    '': True,  # Flag is set

    0: False,
    '0': False,
    'false': False,
    'off': False,

    1: True,
    '1': True,
    'true': True,
    'on': True,


[docs]def shred(key_name: str, value: t.Any, field_names: t.Iterable[str] = SHRED_DATA_FIELD_NAMES) -> t.Union[t.Any, str]: """ Replaces sensitive data in ``value`` with ``*`` if ``key_name`` contains something that looks like a secret. :param field_names: a list of key names that can possibly contain sensitive data :param key_name: a key name to check :param value: a value to mask :return: an unchanged value if nothing to hide, ``'*' * len(str(value))`` otherwise """ key_name = key_name.lower() need_shred = False for data_field_name in field_names: if data_field_name in key_name: need_shred = True break if not need_shred: return value return '*' * len(str(value))
def shred_deep(value, field_names: t.Iterable[str] = SHRED_DATA_FIELD_NAMES): if not value: return value if not isinstance(value, collections.Iterable) or isinstance(value, str): return value if isinstance(value, dict): _value = {} for k, v in value.items(): if isinstance(v, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(v, str): _value[k] = shred_deep(v, field_names=field_names) else: _value[k] = shred(k, v, field_names=field_names) return _value _value = [shred_deep(v, field_names=field_names) for v in value] return type(value)(_value) def import_from(module: str, name: str): return getattr( importlib.import_module(module, [name]), name )
[docs]def dot_path(obj: t.Union[t.Dict, object], path: str, default: t.Any = None, separator: str = '.'): """ Provides an access to elements of a mixed dict/object type by a delimiter-separated path. :: class O1: my_dict = {'a': {'b': [1, 2]}} class O2: def __init__(self): self.nested = O1() class O3: final = O2() o = O3() assert utils.dot_path(o, 'final.nested.my_dict.a.b.1') == 2 .. testoutput:: True :param obj: object or dict :param path: path to value :param default: default value if chain resolve failed :param separator: ``.`` by default :return: value or default """ path_items = path.split(separator) val = obj sentinel = object() for item in path_items: if isinstance(val, dict): val = val.get(item, sentinel) if val is sentinel: return default elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): try: val = val[int(item)] except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError): return default else: val = getattr(val, item, sentinel) if val is sentinel: return default return val
[docs]def dotkey(obj: dict, path: str, default=None, separator='.'): """ Provides an interface to traverse nested dict values by dot-separated paths. Wrapper for ``dpath.util.get``. :param obj: dict like ``{'some': {'value': 3}}`` :param path: ``'some.value'`` :param separator: ``'.'`` or ``'/'`` or whatever :param default: default for KeyError :return: dict value or default value """ try: return get(obj, path, separator=separator) except KeyError: return default
[docs]def _materialize_dict(bundle: dict, separator: str = '.') -> t.Generator[t.Tuple[str, t.Any], None, None]: """ Traverses and transforms a given dict ``bundle`` into tuples of ``(key_path, value)``. :param bundle: a dict to traverse :param separator: build paths with a given separator :return: a generator of tuples ``(materialized_path, value)`` Example: >>> list(_materialize_dict({'test': {'path': 1}, 'key': 'val'}, '.')) >>> [('key', 'val'), ('test.path', 1)] """ for path_prefix, v in bundle.items(): if not isinstance(v, dict): yield str(path_prefix), v continue for nested_path, nested_val in _materialize_dict(v, separator=separator): yield '{0}{1}{2}'.format(path_prefix, separator, nested_path), nested_val
[docs]def materialize_dict(bundle: dict, separator: str = '.') -> t.List[t.Tuple[str, t.Any]]: """ Transforms a given ``bundle`` into a *sorted* list of tuples with materialized value paths and values: ``('', <value>)``. Output is ordered by depth: the deepest element first. :param bundle: a dict to materialize :param separator: build paths with a given separator :return: a depth descending and alphabetically ascending sorted list (-deep, asc), the longest first :: sample = { 'a': 1, 'aa': 1, 'b': { 'c': 1, 'b': 1, 'a': 1, 'aa': 1, 'aaa': { 'a': 1 } } } materialize_dict(sample, '/') [ ('b/aaa/a', 1), ('b/a', 1), ('b/aa', 1), ('b/b', 1), ('b/c', 1), ('a', 1), ('aa', 1) ] """ def _matkeysort(tup: t.Tuple[str, t.Any]): return len(tup[0].split(separator)) s1 = sorted(_materialize_dict(bundle, separator=separator), key=lambda x: x[0]) return sorted(s1, key=_matkeysort, reverse=True)
[docs]def mp_serialize_dict( bundle: dict, separator: str = '.', serialize: t.Optional[t.Callable] = dump_yaml, value_prefix: str = '::YAML::\n') -> t.List[t.Tuple[str, bytes]]: """ Transforms a given ``bundle`` into a *sorted* list of tuples with materialized value paths and values: ``('', b'<some>')``. If the ``<some>`` value is not an instance of a basic type, it's serialized with ``serialize`` callback. If this value is an empty string, it's serialized anyway to enforce correct type if storage backend does not support saving empty strings. :param bundle: a dict to materialize :param separator: build paths with a given separator :param serialize: a method to serialize non-basic types, default is ``yaml.dump`` :param value_prefix: a prefix for non-basic serialized types :return: a list of tuples ``(mat_path, b'value')`` :: sample = { 'bool_flag': '', # flag 'unicode': 'вася', 'none_value': None, 'debug': True, 'mixed': ['ascii', 'юникод', 1, {'d': 1}, {'b': 2}], 'nested': { 'a': { 'b': 2, 'c': b'bytes', } } } result = mp_serialize_dict(sample, separator='/') assert result == [ ('nested/a/b', b'2'), ('nested/a/c', b'bytes'), ('bool_flag', b"::YAML::\\n''\\n"), ('debug', b'true'), ('mixed', b'::YAML::\\n- ascii\\n- ' b'"\\\\u044E\\\\u043D\\\\u0438\\\\u043A\\\\u043E\\\\u0434"\\n- 1\\n- ' b'{d: 1}\\n- {b: 2}\\n'), ('none_value', None), ('unicode', b'\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb0\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x8f') ] """ md = materialize_dict(bundle, separator=separator) res = [] for path, value in md: # have to serialize values (value should be None or a string / binary data) if value is None: pass elif isinstance(value, str) and value != '': # check for value != '' used to armor empty string with forced serialization # since it can be not recognized by a storage backend pass elif isinstance(value, bytes): pass elif isinstance(value, bool): value = str(value).lower() elif isinstance(value, (int, float, Decimal)): value = str(value) else: value = (value_prefix + serialize(value)) if isinstance(value, str): value = value.encode() res.append((path, value)) return res
[docs]def wf(raw_str: str, flush: bool = True, prevent_completion_polluting: bool = True, stream: t.TextIO = sys.stdout): """ Writes a given ``raw_str`` into a ``stream``. Ignores output if ``prevent_completion_polluting`` is set and there's no extra ``sys.argv`` arguments present (a bash completion issue). :param raw_str: a raw string to print :param flush: execute ``flush()`` :param prevent_completion_polluting: don't write anything if ``len(sys.argv) <= 1`` :param stream: ``sys.stdout`` by default :return: None """ if prevent_completion_polluting and len(sys.argv) <= 1: return stream.write(raw_str) flush and hasattr(stream, 'flush') and stream.flush()
[docs]def coerce_str_to_bool(val: t.Union[str, int, bool, None], strict: bool = False) -> bool: """ Converts a given string ``val`` into a boolean. :param val: any string representation of boolean :param strict: raise ``ValueError`` if ``val`` does not look like a boolean-like object :return: ``True`` if ``val`` is thruthy, ``False`` otherwise. :raises ValueError: if ``strict`` specified and ``val`` got anything except ``['', 0, 1, true, false, on, off, True, False]`` """ if isinstance(val, str): val = val.lower() flag = ENV_STR_BOOL_COERCE_MAP.get(val, None) if flag is not None: return flag if strict: raise ValueError('Unsupported value for boolean flag: `%s`' % val) return bool(val)
[docs]def env_bool_flag(flag_name: str, strict: bool = False, env: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None) -> bool: """ Converts an environment variable into a boolean. Empty string (presence in env) is treated as ``True``. :param flag_name: an environment variable name :param strict: raise ``ValueError`` if a ``flag_name`` value connot be coerced into a boolean in obvious way :param env: a dict with environment variables, default is ``os.environ`` :return: ``True`` if ``flag_name`` is thruthy, ``False`` otherwise. :raises ValueError: if ``strict`` specified and ``val`` got anything except ``['', 0, 1, true, false, True, False]`` """ env = env or os.environ sentinel = object() val = env.get(flag_name, sentinel) if val is sentinel: return False return coerce_str_to_bool(val, strict=strict)
[docs]def env_tristate_flag(flag_name: str, strict: bool = False, env: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, str]] = None) -> t.Optional[bool]: """ Converts an environment variable into a boolean or None if not present. Empty string (presence in env) is treated as ``True``. :param flag_name: an environment variable name :param strict: raise ``ValueError`` if a ``flag_name`` value connot be coerced into a boolean in obvious way :param env: a dict with environment variables, default is ``os.environ`` :return: ``True`` if ``flag_name`` is thruthy, ``False`` otherwise. :raises ValueError: if ``strict`` specified and ``val`` got anything except ``['', 0, 1, true, false, True, False]`` """ env = env or os.environ sentinel = object() val = env.get(flag_name, sentinel) if val is sentinel: return None return coerce_str_to_bool(val, strict=strict)
def _build_cache_key_for_env(*args, **kwargs) -> str: parts = list(args) for k in sorted(kwargs): parts.append(k) parts.append(kwargs[k]) return ':'.join(map(lambda s: str(s).replace('=', '_'), parts))
[docs]def run_env_once(f: t.Callable) -> t.Callable: """ A decorator to prevent ```` from running code twice for everything. ( :param f: function or method to decorate :return: callable """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = _build_cache_key_for_env(wrapper.__name__, *args, **kwargs) has_run = os.environ.get(key) if has_run == '1': return result = f(*args, **kwargs) os.environ[key] = '1' return result return wrapper
[docs]def is_dockerized(flag_name: str = 'DOCKERIZED', strict: bool = False) -> bool: """ Reads env ``DOCKERIZED`` variable as a boolean, or detects docker. :param flag_name: environment variable name :param strict: raise a ``ValueError`` if variable does not look like a normal boolean :return: ``True`` if has truthy ``DOCKERIZED`` env, ``False`` otherwise """ flag = env_tristate_flag(flag_name, strict=strict) if flag is not None: return flag if docker_checker.is_inside_container(): return True return False
[docs]def is_production(flag_name: str = 'PRODUCTION', strict: bool = False) -> bool: """ Reads env ``PRODUCTION`` variable as a boolean. :param flag_name: environment variable name :param strict: raise a ``ValueError`` if variable does not look like a normal boolean :return: ``True`` if has truthy ``PRODUCTION`` env, ``False`` otherwise """ return env_bool_flag(flag_name, strict=strict)