Config loader usage

To initialize config loader use this:

yml_conf = os.path.join(
    BASE_DIR, 'my_project', 'config',
    os.environ.get('DJANGO_CONFIG_FILE_NAME', 'without-docker.yml')
os.environ.setdefault('YAMLPARSER__CONFIG', yml_conf)

configure = ConfigLoader.from_env(suppress_logs=True, silent=True)


You can specify parsers with env variable CONFIG__PARSERS. It can be set to, i.e. EnvironmentParser,RedisParser,YamlParser. Also you can define config parsers this way:

loader = ConfigLoader.from_env(parser_modules=['EnvironmentParser'])

Read more about config loader: from_env()

Then use configure to read a setting from configs:

DEBUG = configure('debug', False)

All settings are case insensitive:

DEBUG = configure('DEBUG', False)

You can use nested variable paths (path parts delimiter is comma by default):

SECRET_KEY = configure('common.secret_key', 'secret')

Strict typing may be added with coerce_type:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': configure('db.engine', 'django.db.backends.postgresql'),
        'HOST': configure('', 'localhost'),
        'PORT': configure('db.port', 5432, coerce_type=int),

        'NAME': configure('', 'marfa'),
        'USER': configure('db.user', 'marfa'),
        'PASSWORD': configure('db.password', 'marfa'),

        'CONN_MAX_AGE': configure('db.conn_max_age', 60, coerce_type=int)


You can create your own coercer. By default it’s equal to coerce_type. Example: django_docker_helpers.utils.coerce_str_to_bool()