Source code for django_docker_helpers.db

from time import sleep

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import caches
from import execute_from_command_line
from django.db import OperationalError, connections

from django_docker_helpers.utils import run_env_once, wf

[docs]@run_env_once def ensure_caches_alive(max_retries: int = 100, retry_timeout: int = 5, exit_on_failure: bool = True) -> bool: """ Checks every cache backend alias in ``settings.CACHES`` until it becomes available. After ``max_retries`` attempts to reach any backend are failed it returns ``False``. If ``exit_on_failure`` is set it shuts down with ``exit(1)``. It sets the ``django-docker-helpers:available-check`` key for every cache backend to ensure it's receiving connections. If check is passed the key is deleted. :param exit_on_failure: set to ``True`` if there's no sense to continue :param int max_retries: a number of attempts to reach cache backend, default is ``100`` :param int retry_timeout: a timeout in seconds between attempts, default is ``5`` :return: ``True`` if all backends are available ``False`` if any backend check failed """ for cache_alias in settings.CACHES.keys(): cache = caches[cache_alias] wf('Checking if the cache backed is accessible for the alias `%s`... ' % cache_alias, False) for i in range(max_retries): try: cache.set('django-docker-helpers:available-check', '1') assert cache.get('django-docker-helpers:available-check') == '1' cache.delete('django-docker-helpers:available-check') wf('[+]\n') break except Exception as e: wf(str(e) + '\n') sleep(retry_timeout) else: wf('Tried %s time(s). Shutting down.\n' % max_retries) exit_on_failure and exit(1) return False return True
[docs]@run_env_once def ensure_databases_alive(max_retries: int = 100, retry_timeout: int = 5, exit_on_failure: bool = True) -> bool: """ Checks every database alias in ``settings.DATABASES`` until it becomes available. After ``max_retries`` attempts to reach any backend are failed it returns ``False``. If ``exit_on_failure`` is set it shuts down with ``exit(1)``. For every database alias it tries to ``SELECT 1``. If no errors raised it checks the next alias. :param exit_on_failure: set to ``True`` if there's no sense to continue :param int max_retries: number of attempts to reach every database; default is ``100`` :param int retry_timeout: timeout in seconds between attempts :return: ``True`` if all backends are available, ``False`` if any backend check failed """ template = """ ============================= Checking database connection `{CONNECTION}`: Engine: {ENGINE} Host: {HOST} Database: {NAME} User: {USER} Password: {PASSWORD} =============================\n""" for connection_name in connections: _db_settings = dict.fromkeys(['ENGINE', 'HOST', 'NAME', 'USER', 'PASSWORD']) _db_settings.update(settings.DATABASES[connection_name]) _db_settings['CONNECTION'] = connection_name if _db_settings.get('PASSWORD'): _db_settings['PASSWORD'] = 'set' wf(template.format(**_db_settings)) wf('Checking db connection alive... ', False) for i in range(max_retries): try: cursor = connections[connection_name].cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT 1') cursor.fetchone() wf('[+]\n') break except OperationalError as e: wf(str(e)) sleep(retry_timeout) else: wf('Tried %s time(s). Shutting down.\n' % max_retries) exit_on_failure and exit(1) return False return True
[docs]@run_env_once def migrate(*argv) -> bool: """ Runs Django migrate command. :return: always ``True`` """ wf('Applying migrations... ', False) execute_from_command_line(['./', 'migrate'] + list(argv)) wf('[+]\n') return True
[docs]@run_env_once def modeltranslation_sync_translation_fields() -> bool: """ Runs ``modeltranslation``'s ``sync_translation_fields`` command: ``execute_from_command_line(['./', 'sync_translation_fields', '--noinput'])`` :return: ``None`` if modeltranslation is not specified is ``INSTALLED_APPS``, ``True`` if all synced. """ # if modeltranslation present ensure it's migrations applied too if 'modeltranslation' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: wf('Applying translations for models... ', False) execute_from_command_line(['./', 'sync_translation_fields', '--noinput']) wf('[+]\n') return True